International Environmental Studies Olympiad, The Environmental studies
is a multidisciplinary academic field which systematically studies human
interaction with the environment and nature. Environmental studies connects
principles from the physical sciences, commerce/economics, the humanities, and
social sciences to address complex contemporary environmental issues. Managing
environmental hazards has become very important.
importance of environmental science and studies cannot be disputed. The need
for sustainable development is a key to the future of mankind. Continuing
problems of Water and Air pollution, Environmental Law & Policies, solid
waste disposal, degradation of environment, Reimagine, Recreate and Restore of
Natural Wealth,, issues like economic productivity, Renewable & Green
Energy, and national security, Global
warming, the depletion of ozone layer and loss of biodiversity have made
everyone aware of environmental issues.
Physical and online examination is held annually at the National and
International levels based on syllabus prescribed by NCERT/CBSE/ICSE/WEC and
the State Boards. Detailed syllabus with Sample question paper is provided
along with this Information Booklet. Please refer the Books published by World
Environment Council for the preparation of IESO. World Environment Council
recommends the competition for each and every student in the school and college.

Prof. Ganesh Channa